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Our Story
Trinity Lutheran Church founded in 1933 is a Christian community committed to sharing the message of Jesus Christ through worship, fellowship & service.
We a Christians first and Lutherans second. As a church associated with the Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LSMC), we are free in Christ, accountable to one another, rooted in the scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions and working together to fulfill Christ's Great Commission to go and make disciples of all nations.
Staff and Leaders at Trinity
Church Council Board Members
Executive Board
Michael Simons - President
Claudia Park - Vice President
Janice Gussiaas - Treasurer
Jo Pollert - Secretary
Jodie Davis
Lori Solberg
Morgan Wetzel
Sheila Harrington
Board of Education
Kelsey Neis
Kendra Beach
Markie Rosenau
Tara Rau
Jeff Knudson
Josh Cabler
Kerry Smith
Mike Neis
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